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Dorsey Dial Bore Gage Combo Kit

Product Type:


Industry’s most popular dial bore gages now available in an easy-to-use combination kit
Standard with jeweled shock proof indicator movement

Available with a wide variety of indicators including .00005″ or 0.001mm


  • Standard with jeweled shock proof indicator movement
  • Available with a wide variety of indicators including .00005" or 0.001mm
  • Considerable cost savings
  • Convenient carrying case
  • Ideal for small shops or short production runs
  • Interchangeable gage heads and range extensions to cover diameters from 1.000" to 8.000" or 25mm to 200mm
  • Replaces separate dial bore gages covering the same ranges as Models # 2, 3, 4, and 5

Dorsey Dial Bore Gage Combo Kit

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