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Mitutoyo LH-600E 2D Height Gage

Product Type:


• Excellent accuracy of (1.1+0.6L/600)μm with 0.1μm/0.5μm resolution/repeatability.
• Perpendicularity (frontal) of 5μm and straightness of 4μm are guaranteed.
• Pneumatic full/semi-floating system allows adjustment of air-cushion height.
• Basic statistical functions are provided and, additionally, RS-232C / USB data output provides the option of evaluating measurement data externally with SPC software on a PC.
• One-key operation for running a semiautomatic measurement.
• Data entry from a Digimatic tool.


Measuring Range (stroke) 0-38” (24”) / 0-972mm(600mm)
Resolution (selectable) .000001”/.00001”/.0001”/.001”/ 0.0001mm/0.001mm/0.01mm/0.1mm
Accuracy Measuring accuracy .000043 + (.000024 x L*/24)” / (1.1 + 0.6L**/600)μm at 20°C Repeatability (2s) Plane: .000015”/0.4μm Bore: .000035”/0.9μm
Perpendicularity .0002”/5μm
Straightness .0002”/4μm
Drive Method Motor Drive

Mitutoyo LH-600E 2D Height Gage

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