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Trulok Countersink Depth Gage

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A high precision digital gage for quick and accurate measurement of the countersink depth at a given fastener gage protrusion value. The SR905 depth gage has a matched spherical probe that contacts the inside wall of the countersink at the same depth equal with the fastener protrusion value (see detail). The spherical probe mimics the ball over height method of measuring countersinks. This versatile gage is designed to check a specific countersink depth for a specific flush head fastener. Matching the countersink depth (at fastener’s head gage diameter) with the fastener head protrusion (measured from gage diameter) ensures an almost perfect flushness of the installed fastener. This gage can be used to set cages or micro-steps.


  • Measuring accuracy .0001 inch (.0025mm)
  • Direct contact inside the countersink walls
  • Direct reading, no calculations or charts necessary
  • Large base configurations available for curved surfaces
  • Accurate, repeatable and reproducible
  • SPC ready via data port cable
  • Ease of use with minimal training
  • Eliminate costly rework
  • Gage and set block calibrated to NIST traceable standards
  • Unique serial numbers on gages, set blocks and indicators
  • The components of our gages are made of heat treated wear resistant tool steels and micro finished to ensure accurate and trouble free operation

Trulok Countersink Depth Gage

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